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Charter Costiera Amalfitana

Martedì, 14 Gennaio 2014 00:00
(1 Vota)

Dopo un charter in Costiera Amalfitana abbiamo ricevuto questa e-mail:

Dear Massimo,

already more than one week passed and we are remembering every day the unforgettable time which we could spent with you and with your crew on the MYOSOTIS.

We have checked a part of our pictures at least ten times!

THANK YOU to all of you for this wonderful trip to the amazing Amalfi coast.

You made each day very special for us!

We came to Italy as strangers and we went back to Germany as friends.

Hope to see and your lovely crew soon on another occasion and with a little bit more luck concerning the fishing.

Take care and warm regards

Ella, Romy, Martin, Stefan, Ute and Fred

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